All Cats are Added Except:

Mistycloud (Cookkiez)-Chilepanda has already taken the spot of medicine cat with Whirlwind. So maybe if you changed the name to Mistypaw she could be medicine cat apprentice?

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Taking a Break or Leaving

Well I am taking a break from blogger, one because many people aren't coming on my blogs anymore. And also because I am going to be focusing a lot on school for now. I will come back onto blogger in about a month or two, or maybe if my blogs get more joiners and followers but until then, you may still comment on my blogs, but I will not be here to do anything.

There have been a lot of great people that I have met over blogger, and I would like to mention them quickly here, so that they know they have made a difference for me.

Thunderstar-You have been there for me since my first successful blog, on Weebly, called WaterClan. Even when I am being a brat you were there and never really got mad. We had our fights and we always worked them out. Thanks for the great friendship

Chilepanda-Your so nice and understanding, all the time. We never really had a conversation that wasn't about blogs, but you know, you were still a great friend that I will miss if I don't come back.

Amber-You are so fun and a great blogger. Thanks for being on my blogs and being my friend. I will miss you a lot too.

Thats about it. I will be opening a new blogger account, however, that will be all about LIFE. It won't be about blogger but other things that I like.

Thanks for reading.

Monday, March 28, 2011

More Cats

Starkstar padded to the top of the Twisted Tree. Rain pelted down at him soaking him to the bone.His claws making a slight sound. his eyes flashing across the clearing quickly. He licked down his shoulder, smoothing the fur to his broad shoulders. 

"All cats old enough to catch their own prey join for a clan meeting beneath Great Stone!" He called with a voice that showed he was ready to get out of the rain that was making the clan so water logged. Every cat in the clearing had the look in their eyes that if they didn't get into shelter soon that they may just attack him.

"We first have three warriors joining us today! Please welcome Flowersong, Streamgaze and Lionfritz!" He yowled to the silent clan. Everyone looked at the three new comers and nodded to them with warm smiles that seemed to glow against the rain.

"Next we have an apprentice!" He looked at Dawnpaw, the newest she-cat. She smiled up at him and flicked her tail waiting for him to keep going.

"Dawnpaw, please step forward." The brown and white tabby apprentice did as she was told. "Do you promise to train, protect, and be a warrior and or apprentice of QuiverClan even at the cost of your life?" Starkstar stared hard at the apprentice.

"I do." She nodded. The tabby brown and white she-cat took a step back to reform the line that he had with the other already made apprentices. Her eyes gleamed with hope that shined through the rain and up at Starkstar.

"Than your now an apprentice of QuiverClan!" He smiled at the grey tabby. "Your mentor will be Marshpelt." He concluded. His eyes gleaming through the rain. He flicked his tail and the clan waited for him to dismiss them.

"And lastly we have a new medicine cat! His name is Whirlwind!" He concluded. "That is all! Clan dismissed!" He leaped down and streaked into his den to escape the rain. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

First Cats

Starkstar leaped gracefully branch to branch as his long legs pushed off from one to another. His claws made little sound on the soft bark of the oak tree. His golden flecked, cutting eyes, looked across the clearing.  The cats were all in the usual groups, he shrugged and shook his head. He looked at the new cats, there were three of them in all, all of them healthy and fit. He smiled satisfied. The New-Leaf breeze ruffled his pelt a bit so he licked down the hair on his chest. There were six cats that he had to introduce today. 

"All cats old enough to catch their own prey join for a clan meeting beneath Great Stone!" His voice flowed around the clearing. He smiled as the six new cats did as they were supposed to do, without a second thought about it. His small clan looked up at him with expectation glowing in their eyes. The breeze blew again, and a few cat flattened their ears in distaste. 

"First off I would like to welcome a warrior, Shininglight and Marshpelt!" Starkstar nodded to the two new she-cat, the others following his gaze and smiling at the two new she-cats in welcome. After a moment everyone looked back at Starkstar. "We also have our deputy, Stormclaw!" The clan cheered louder. 

"We also have two apprentices! Would Rustpaw and Robinpaw step forward please?" The two apprentices did as they were told. Both of them looked up at him with shimmering eyes. The toms eyes were hazel and the she-cats eyes were blue Both of them looked exited, behind them Weaselpaw watched, his dark brown eyes glittering.

"Do you both promise to uphold the warrior code, defend your clan to the best of you abilities and obey me and your mentors at all times as long as it is in the best interest of the clan?" Stagstar let his gaze look from apprentice to apprentice. They both nodded before they realized that they were supposed to speak instead.

"I do." Rustpaw said first. His eyes glittering up at Stagstar with pure determination in them.

"Then from this moment on, until you earn your warrior name, you will be known as Rustpaw." The new tom smiled and nodded. "Your mentor will be Stormclaw." Stormclaw stepped forward and dipped his head before he touched noses with his new apprentice.

He turned his gaze to Robinpaw who was waiting until everyone else had finished speaking. "I do." She spoke with determination. Her blue eyes flickered and the breeze ruffled her pelt again.

"Than from this moment on, until you earn your warrior name, you shall be known as Robinpaw." Robinpaw purred and flicked her tail happily. "Your mentor will be Shininglight ." Shininglight stepped forward. And she touched noses with her new apprentice

"Stormclaw, please make patrols.That is all! Clan dismissed!" He leaped down and his clan went to speak with each other.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Welcome. We are QuiverClan. I am the leader here, Starkstar. We are the clan of ruthlessness, bravery, and cruelness. Do not bother coming to us for our sympathy, that is earned. Do not think that you are our match, because we will go to lengths that you won't. We are blood thirsty and battle hungry, but that is to anyone outside our clan or our borders. Together we are family, closely knitted and always strong. An unbreakable force that cannot be tamed or sought out. What were you before you came here? Or were you born here with us? If you were a kitty-pet or rouge and you have a long way to go, to earn our trust is hard, to become a part of us is harder. If you were a kitty-pet the rest of your life here will be strained, you will have to prove yourself many times over before we think you are capable of what we do. If you were a rouge than our trust may come hard, or may never come at all. But if you were born with us than you  must know how hard and straining it is to live with us, but it is also rewarding yes?  Even I, Starkstar have broken rules, but I am not afraid to admit it. StarClan has always forgiven me and also lets me run this clan. We have good and bad history but there is still more to be made, will you join us and help us make that history? 

Notes to Remember:

  • Your cats name will be changed if it was used in the books or it doesn't sound like a warrior's name
  • You have to fill out the proper form
  • You can have up to 8 cats, that is all unless you know that you can role-play them all.
  • You must comment often on this clan. Atleast once every week and or every other post. This includes posting on pages, If you only comment on posts your cat will be deleted and or be made elders. 
  • No cats with strange eye or pelt colors. 
  • You cannot kill another persons cat without permission from them or me. If their cat did something and SHOULD be killed please tell me and do not just kill. 
  • Medicine cats HAVE to know herbs and deputies HAVE to make patrols. 
  • You must use names that Erin Hunter would use! Nothing that cats wouldn't know about!
  • Do not ask me to: Edit a picture for you, join your clan, or for your cat to be in the prophecies.
  • Your cat has to get to know someone before they can fall in love. They can have a crush to start out with though.
  • A KIT MUST HAVE A MOTHER. No motherless kits! Unless you get my permission.
  • Please join as more than one cat, thanks. (This isn't a rule but a request.) 

Here is the form to join:

About Your Cat: (This has to have at least 5 good sentences about your cat.)